Sunday, August 12, 2012

Open Heart Surgery

It is now almost six months since I had open heart surgery and two by-pass grafts.
Prior to this I had a heart attack 8 years prior. At the time the cardiologist warned me that come what may I would be back in hospital in two to three years time for by-pass grafts in five locations. There were five places in the cardiac artery where there were severe blockages. A bit daunting to say the least. 
I changed my lifestyle dramatically after that. The resulting outcome was that three of those blockages disappeared completely along with the deposit at the site of the stents as did some other minor artery deposits. 
There was two blockages which didn't clear up and these had the by-pass grafts. 
Most days I walk at least 45 minutes and there is always an uphill climb involved. I am so grateful that I can do this without any feeling of breathlessness, chest pains or weakness. 
So different to the time leading up to surgery when I had to think seriously about walking up a flight of stairs because of the potential discomfort I would experience. Fortunately for me I have not experienced any of the numerous complications that some are afflicted with after such a procedure.
Now I am concentrating on improving my health and fitness by continuing to following the seven principles I’ve referred to elsewhere. The medical procedures associated with open heart are very invasive and as such have some effects that take some time to recover from. 
There is significant shock that the body endures just with the physical mechanical part of the operation and then having to repair the tissues that have been cut and otherwise damaged. 
Then there is also the immune response to any potential bacterial invasion to be overcome. 
I can recall the first few times that I had any idea of what was going on while in intensive care. Seems that there was always a nurse holding up two vials of morphine and asking did I have any pain. I don’t recall experiencing pain, soreness and discomfort. 
The pain management drugs together with the other blood conditioning drugs take some time be totally eliminated from the body, I’m sure. 
However following a whole food diet of mostly raw fruit and vegetables has certainly been worth while in the recovery process. I’ve still a way to go yet before I feel I am strong and fit and able to go back to work. 
The best thing at the moment is that I do not suffer from any debilitating after effects.

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