Our Point of Tolerance Increases as We Get Older.
It’s good fun getting old, isn’t it!
The first thing that comes to mind is that as we age our point of tolerance increases.
This means that things which would have made us cough and splutter when we were toddlers no longer do so.
The reason we cough and splutter is that whatever it is, is identified as a toxin to the body.
Sometimes a cough is enough to rid the body of the irritant, other times we experience something more significant like a runny nose, a persistent cough or even a cold.
If these symptoms are allowed to run their course then the irritant or toxin is successfully removed.
Should the toxin not be ejected successfully then the body stores it and dilutes it.
One way to dilute it is to increase the level of fat in the body and store the toxin there.
As we get older of course this is exacerbated and we tend to store more and eject less.
This then leads to chronic conditions which is caused by toxicity and acidosis.
We find that many body functions seem to be at variance to what the were when we were younger.
The thing is to reduce this toxic load that the body is carrying by a change in lifestyle.
There are many things that we do that often seem to be of little consequence but the body is unforgiving and will at some point alert us to the errors of our ways.
What we need to do is to adopt a lifestyle, particularly a diet, one that we can monitor easily and identify where toxins may be creeping in.
There are two things that can be done to simplify this, the first is to eat less and the second is to eat fresh, raw fruit and leafy greens only, no herbs or spices or flavourings or anything that is an irritant.
A guide to what is an irritant is something that cannot be eaten as a meal on its own, as an example most onions are irritants.
As for stimulants these can be identified as giving a short term ‘buzz’ such as a cup of tea or an alcoholic beverage.
This can take some time to bring the body into homeostasis and in doing so there will be mild detox symptoms as the fat is reduced and the stored toxicity is mobilised and eliminated.
A juice diet will hasten the detoxification process and a water fast will be even quicker.
Each has its challenges in implementing due to what most people would find is a very drastic change in their diet.
Unless one can experience total rest, physically, physiologically and mentally then either of these are best left for another time.
Whatever course is chosen it is very important to avoid stimulants and irritants such as tea or coffee, onion or garlic, turmeric or pepper and the list goes on.
Water is the only thing that should be consumed and noting should be added to it, not even a pinch of salt.
Anything that is taken in by the body that cannot be digested with the minimum of effort is a burden and will slow the clean up.
Even to the extent where the body has to stop its work of cleaning and repairing old damage to deal with the newly ingested toxin or irritant.
Often we hear of this thing or that thing in our bodies that is not functioning as it should and this alone is targeted when in reality it is the whole body that to a more or lesser extent that is not functioning as it is capable of doing.
Once the body has been cleaned up and is in homeostasis then it can with vigilance remain free of unwanted symptoms by following the seven principles of health.
Any small sign of potential imbalance such as a sneeze or a cough or a runny nose needs to be heeded as a messenger that we could be getting out of balance.
If you are experiencing any untoward illness or condition that is not adding to your pristine health than consider that you may just be experiencing toxicity and acidosis.
You don’t need to mask the symptoms with medicines or anything else, just clean up your act and get rid of the symptoms.
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